Thursday, November 1, 2012

Post Sandy, Post Storm Well Safety

Due to the catastrophic hurricane, there is some advice for people who live in homes with wells.

If flood water levels were above the top of your well casing at any time, do not drink your well water until your well has been sanitized and tested.  This includes if your well was covered by ocean water, fresh water, street runoff, or even sewage.

In general, the well casing is a 6" to 8" steel pipe that sticks above the ground and is covered with a metal cap.  Modern caps are a better seal than ones from years ago, BUT THEY HAVE SCREENED VENTS that allow air in and out of the well as it is emptied or filling.  The screened vents can allow water in, and if it is surface flood water, it is very likely contaminated.

Your well casing may be buried and under a concrete lid, and if your yard had flooding, have it dug up, chlorinated, and then have it tested.  Also consider having a buried casing raised by extending it with a welded or bolted on extension.

If at all possible, have an EPA chlorination done where the well is chlorinated, rinsed with chlorinated water, and then the chlorinated water is run to every water using fixture in the home.  Sometimes this is very difficult with buried wells.

After the chlorine in your well has dissipated, have the water tested by a state certified lab.  If there is still bacteria in the water, either re-chlorinate or consider adding an ultraviolet water sanitizer to your water system.  An ultraviolet water sanitizer kills bacteria in your water.

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