Thursday, November 8, 2012

Acid Neutralizer For Well Water - What Is It?

Pictured is a backwashing acid neutralizer.  It uses calcite and (in extreme cases) magnesium oxide to increase the pH of acidic water.  Acid water is technically any water that registers lower than 7.0 on the pH scale, although, due to many factors, how far below 7.0 YOUR well water will need to be before it causes problems will vary.  One way to know that your well water is acidic is blue/green stains in your toilets and sinks.

This image courtesy of Imerys, the best manufacturer of calcite products.

The filter is filled to about 18 inches from the top with calcite (shown above), a granulated product made from crushed marble.  It is a natural method for neutralizing acidic water. When the water is acidic, it will dissolve a small amount of calcite, actually in a reaction similar to but nowhere near as violent as mixing vinegar and baking soda.  When enough calcite is dissolved to bring the pH to 7.0, the reaction naturally stops.  This is a safe and effective treatment for acid water.

See Clean Water Man, Inc's website at

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