Monday, May 12, 2008

Water Softeners - Don't forget this hidden cost!

I got a new customers today. They were upset with their previous water treatment company after only two years of service. Why? The cost of doing business with them was excessive and was not part of what was explained when they bought the filter system two years ago.

I am in the northeast, and it is an expensive place to do business, but it is also an expensive place to live. I feel my service call rate ($95.00 per hour) is actually a little high when compared to other areas in the nation. But what my new customer was paying to the old company was obscene. $149.00 just for the first 1/2 hour, then $40.00 for every 15 minutes after that. The customer has a neutralizer, and the dealer sells the calcite refill for $90.00 for a 1/2 cubic foot bag. The labor and materials added to over $400.00 plus tax. Whoa! That is a yearly cost. My charge for the same job is $225.00 plus tax, which isn't cheap, but is obviously more reasonable.

Before you buy a water treatment system, find out how much the yearly service cost will be. If you have reservations, get the yearly cost in writing. When the company starts jacking up prices, start shopping for a more reasonable company.

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