Sunday, April 27, 2008

The biggest mistake homeowners make when purchasing water softeners and water filters.

The biggest mistake a homeowner makes when purchasing any type of water equipment is to allow the salesman to be in charge of the sales call. How is the salesman in charge in most water treatment sales calls? The water treatment salesman is the one performing the water tests, and that puts him in charge.

HOMEOWNERS - put yourself in the driver's seat; get your own test done at a state certified lab before you contact water treatment companies, and you will save money and aggravation. With results from a certified lab you can call several water treatment dealers and feel them out first and then have 2 or 3 send a salesman (or even better, ask for a service technician instead of a salesman). Lab tests will be more accurate than the test kit the salesman brings, and by having your own independent results, you will cut out a lot of the spiel that the salesman will be trying to tell you.

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