Saturday, October 25, 2014

Our Nation's Most Devistating Addiction - Occupy Golf Course!

I have been working for 36 years now in several different fields.  In those years, I have had to work for and with several different types of addicts.  Looking back over the years I am surprised to realize how many people I have been involved with through work that were addicted to something.  I will save the worst for last, but here is a small list of the types:

  • The Nicotine Addict.  This person has no qualms about giving you extra work load so they can have a smoke.
  • The Workaholic.  This person deals with their unsatisfactory personal life by ignoring it as much as possible.  For a time, it is beneficial.  That wears off.
  • The Crack Head.  This person will work his rear off to make sure he finishes his day in time to meet his dealer.  Woe to anyone in his vicinity if work is not done in time for him to meet his dealer.
  • The Pot Head.  Usually nice and calm but unmotivated.  Has no problem sitting while you do all the work.
  • The Porn Addict.  Carries ten to twenty glossy magazines around with him wherever he goes.
  • The Sex Addict.  Has no problem coercing those in their employ to have sex, even married employees.
  • The Power Trip Addict.  Wants to be boss just to be bossy.
  • The Alcoholic.  Close cousin to the Workaholic, but isn't even reliable at work because they are trying to blot out that part of their life too.
  • The Speedaholic.  Has no qualms of driving company work vans at over 100 miles per hour on crowded highways.  Puts dozens of people at high risk every day he works.
  • The Talkaholic.  Won't shut up.
  • The Crazyholic.  Spends untold amount of energy figuring out new ways to irritate everyone they work with.
These are people I have worked with.  I have also worked with the next one.  In my experience, it is the addiction with the most effect on people due to the fact that the addicts are usually in the highest positions in any organization.  Who is this most horrible addict?  The Golf Addict.

  • The Golf Addict is first a liar.  They lie to all around them telling them they have an important meeting when it is a trip to play 9 or 18 holes.  They lie so good that they believe that they are actually accomplishing some type of business while walking around a chemical wasteland called a golf course.  It is rare that anything of consequence is discussed.
  • The Golf Addict is lazy as the Pot Head because they fear any "undue" physical activity may effect their golf game.
  • The Golf Addict spends many hours each week that should be dedicated to his job or family instead in the pursuit of golf.  It is an escape as much as alcohol.
  • Those in the "Golf Club" often feel superior to those around them that are not part of the club.  Non golf players are the great unwashed who "do not understand" the fascination of grown adults who put chasing a little ball around acres of fields in a place of more prominence than doing their actual job such as running their company or country.
  • They can easily justify underpaying employees so that they have enough money to pay for a club membership and all the other expenses associated with golf outings.  
  • The most obscene among them do not even own the companies they are leading and have no remorse for paying themselves hundreds or thousands of times what the normal employee in their organization earns.  It is all so they can play golf from Dubai to Scotland and all the places in between, you know, because every golf game is an important meeting about a business deal or running the nation.
The Occupy Wall Street movement was misplaced.  Those who have no business making decisions about the companies we work for and the countries we live in claim to be doing so on the golf courses of the world.  Look at where Obama and Boehner meet.  These leadership decisions are obviously bad.  In order to take back our economy and country, we need to get in the way of these crony leaders and capitalists so they can not have their "important" meetings so that less bad decisions can be made.  We need an Occupy Golf Course movement.  Golf is Nero's fiddle of today.  Our President is not the only Nero, many are leading our states and corporations too.  It is time that our ruling class goes cold turkey on their golf addiction.

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