Thursday, March 22, 2012

No Salt Water System Update - Re-installed The Softener

After my five year trial of the new no salt water treatment system using Filtersorb Scale Prevention media, I would like to update my blog with my opinion of the system.  First of all, I must state flatly that there is no such thing as a no salt water softener.  Even water softeners using potassium chloride as a regenerant are not salt free since potassium chloride IS A SALT.  The ion exchange process is what makes something a softener.   Filtersorb systems are scale prevention systems.  Some of those in the production end of these scale prevention media systems will tell you that they are about 60 percent as effective as a water softener, and my five year test bares that out.

I must say that the one place for whatever reason that the scale prevention media excels is in the dishwasher.  Absolutely spotless glassware.  There is no over-sudsing of the dish detergent and everything was sparkling.

On the down side, the same can not be said for the laundry, which is coming out much better now that I have installed a new water softener.  The scale prevention system did not make our clothes come out as clean and soft as they do with the water softener.  And the water softener greatly reduces lint.

The one place where the water softener excels is in skin and hair care.  The reason the Filtersorb unit was yanked out and replaced with a softener is because, after five years of my experiment, my wife begged for a return to being a soft water household.  Soft water is the most amazing substance for preventing dry, itchy skin and making hair more manageable. Nothing beats it.  What the water softener does for your skin is it prevents your pores from being blocked by hard minerals and this allows the NATURAL oils in your skin to flow out and keep your skin soft.  It also prevents a buildup of deposits on your hair, which keeps your hair more manageable.

I still sell the scale prevention systems to very specific customers.  They are told up front that they can not expect water softener results but will see a significant reduction of scale on fixtures.  There can be no iron, manganese, or copper in the water.  But most customers are convinced that the water softener is the correct route as it is for my home.

See my website at

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