Monday, September 14, 2009

Well water worries. Should I back out of home purchase?

I am moving from the city with municipal water and buying a country home with a well. I am worried about all of the things that could be wrong with well water and have an opportunity to back out of the deal. Am I being unreasonable with my worry about well water?

Most likely you have unreasonable worries. While you are not specific about what concerns you, I can tell you that a local water treatment professional can help you solve all but one water issue, and that one unsolvable issue is no water at all (and even that can be solved by improving or replacing the well). We can add UV sterilization systems to kill bacteria, carbon systems to remove man made chemicals, aeration systems to remove radon, and drinking water purification systems to remove just about anything. So as long as you have an ample supply of water, a system can be designed to help you sleep (and sip) easy.

See my website at or if you live in Connecticut, call me at 203-417-9601 to set up a free water consultation.

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